Thank You For Everything Kristina!

Over the past 3 years, Kristina Copeland has served as our Discipleship team Leader. She has helped us to develop small group and Sunday School plans, created a whole small group leader training, and has helped new leaders step up to lead classes and small groups all while leading some amazing groups and classes herself. Furthermore, she has been a kind face, helping folks get connected into the life of our church.
Due to some health concerns, Kristina has chosen to step down from her role as Discipleship Leader. This change will help her focus on her health, her family, and her wonderful work over at Merle Maple. I for one have a deep respect for her decision and her choices to make her own health and family a priority. She was clear that she is stepping down as a leader, but in no way stepping away from the church. You will still see her active and engaging in our community.
Please join me in giving a HUGE Thank you to Kristina for all she has done for our community and keeping her in prayer over the coming season. Kristina, you rock and we praise God for the good and faithful service you have provided for this church.

Ryan Rovito

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