A Mother's Day Special

Greetings Church!
This Sunday you are in for another treat. As a celebration of Mother's Day, my wife Kasey has agreed to wrap up our Belong, Behave, Believe sermon series with her insights from a mother's perspective. She will be sharing the story of Peter's vision in Acts 10:44-48. This whose series has encouraged us to remember that we are all invited to belong before we are expected to behave or believe correctly. We've also been challenged to open our minds to the ways we can actively break down barriers to belonging, but just how wide-open is the kingdom of God? 

We serve a God of abundant belonging

Last week, we remembered how sometimes we don't feel like we belong, sometimes we feel like outsiders but what if we have been insiders all along? We do serve a God of abundant belonging. I pray the message both comforts us in our feelings of not belonging and moves us to see the world through God's abundant eyes.
Happy Mother's Day. I thank God for all of you mother's who help us see the love, loyalty, strength, wisdom, compassion, grace, and security of our God. May your likely busy day be filled with good things.

Ryan Rovito

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