How is the Spirit Moving?
Last week I asked our Children's Ministry leaders how they saw the Spirit moving in Children's Ministry lately. I was so encouraged by Tina's response that I asked her if I could share it with you all...
"I was watching the kids work on the Father's Day craft, and how much joy each and everyone of them had on their faces. I saw it last Sunday when Jamie [Hare] was pulling weeds from where the playground is, and the kids joined in to help her without even being asked. I see it in when they do joys and concerns and talk about their family, their friends, and what God is doing for them. I see it with their excitement for VBS coming up, and who they can invite. With the teachers, I see the Holy Spirit moving when it comes to teaching the kids about Jesus, and their love for the kids. God's love shines right through them. The kids see how much the volunteers want to serve them, and they want to serve right back. We have a small group right now, but they're learning, listening, and spreading God's love in their own special ways." - Tina Johnson | Children's Ministry Co-Leader
These kids love to serve! They are fully-engaged in our mission to reach, teach, mend, and send. This is encouraging to me for a number of reasons. First, statistics from the Fuller Institute show that only about 20% of teens retain their faith once they head off to college, and the primary thing they all have in common is that they participated in the life of the church, not just in a youth group or kids program. These kids are serving all over the church and their leaders are helping them do it.
Second, we aim to be a church that follows the guidance of the Spirit. This tells me that programs like the morning "kidz serve" program and kids Sunday are lining up with the movement of god in our midst. There is something powerful when the love of God flow both to us and through us.
Second, we aim to be a church that follows the guidance of the Spirit. This tells me that programs like the morning "kidz serve" program and kids Sunday are lining up with the movement of god in our midst. There is something powerful when the love of God flow both to us and through us.
So let me turn the question to you.
How have you seen the Spirit moving in our congregation and community?
How is God working through you to fulfill our mission to reach, teach, mend, and send?
I encourage you to consider these questions and share your answers with a friend. Perhaps there are ways we can notice God at work and join in what's already underway.
How have you seen the Spirit moving in our congregation and community?
How is God working through you to fulfill our mission to reach, teach, mend, and send?
I encourage you to consider these questions and share your answers with a friend. Perhaps there are ways we can notice God at work and join in what's already underway.
This Sunday we conclude our "Forgotten Women" series with a message from Pastor Colleen Dick from Dansville FMC about Hagar, Sarah's slave in Genesis 16. I will be down in Dansville preaching while she shares with you all. Also, don't forget to stick around after the service to help set up for VBS! I'll be there with bells on once I return from Dansville. I pray your time worshipping together this Sunday is meaningful and draws you closer to Jesus.
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Posted in Weekly Devotional
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