Week 8

Mar 21, 2021

Pick a story and read it in all 4 gospels
Feeding the 5000
(Matthew 14:13-20, Mark 6:30-44, Luke 9:10-17, John 6:1-14)
Peter's Denial
(Matthew 21:31-35, Mark 14:27-31|Luke 22:31-34|John 13:36-38)
The Death of Jesus
Matthew 27:45-56, Mark 15:33-41|Luke 23:44-49|John 19:28-30)

Next Week's Videos
The New Testament Letters (Historical Context) - https://subspla.sh/fgyxt9y
The New Testament Letters (Literary Context) - https://subspla.sh/p7dzn77
Apocalyptic Literature - https://subspla.sh/hdnmm2h

Catch up on or review past weeks - https://subsplash.com/valleychapel/lb/ms/+j2bm9hx