Life-Giving Holiness
GOD'S CALL TO HOLINESS was never meant to be a burden, but a gift that liberates us
for life that is truly life by delivering us from the destructive power of sin.
All who are born again are made right with God by the finished work of Jesus Christ
and called to experience the fullness of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit.
Forgiven and filled, we approach life with confidence that we are acceptable to God
even as He continues to transform our character and behavior to become more and
more like Jesus. Life-giving holiness, then, is the fruit of full surrender to the loving
reign of God over every aspect of our lives, establishing within us love that is truly
Leaving behind the legalism that once hindered our movement, The Free Methodist
Way invites every believer to embrace the transforming work of the Holy Spirit that
empowers us to love and serve God and others in joyful obedience.
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