Christ-Compelled Multiplication
THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST the message He proclaimed, the life He lived, and the
ministry He modeled & set into motion a redemptive movement destined to fill the
whole earth.
Jesus' approach to discipleship was primarily a relational one in which He poured
His life into a few with the full expectation that they would follow His example. His
aim was not merely the transmission of information, but the transformation of lives
by empowering those who followed Him to do what He had been doing. His mission
is now our mission. We believe this redemptive movement of multiplication applies
to every believer and should permeate our Free Methodist culture at every level:
the found reaching the lost, disciples making disciples, leaders developing leaders,
churches planting churches, and movements birthing movements.
The Free Methodist Way is to see God's kingdom expand exponentially as ordinary
people are equipped by God's power to do extraordinary things.
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